Weekly Announcements from Pastor Valerie Brown-Greenly, Senior Pastor
Dear Friends,
I hope your week is going well. A few updates today:
I’ll begin with our Middle School and High School Youth. Pastor Tim and Emily have arranged a ski-snowboarding event at Hyland Hills Ski Area on Saturday, January 30, from 4:00pm-closing (9:00pm). They will reach out to the youth in these two groups. Parents will drop off their child/children and also pick them up at 9:00pm. It should be a fun activity and it will be good to see one another in person! We will get a group rate with 20 sign ups. Put this on your calendar! See you at Hyland Hills!! Registration Form
We are still in a waiting pattern for the Mental Health Care Workers Vaccination Clinic to be held here at Peace. Since I have yet to get word about the dates, I would like to be available to you for your drop offs and conversations next Tuesday morning from 8:30am-Noon. Hopefully, we will be using the facility for the balance of the week, but we cannot be sure until we are contacted that the product is on the way. Thank you so much for your patience, and again, rejoice with me that our church can be of such service to the community. I will keep you updated as this clinic progresses, and news of other clinics, as information becomes available.
The Annual Meeting of Peace Lutheran Church will be held on Sunday, February 14, at 11am, on Zoom. During the week of February 3, we will begin gathering the email addresses of those members who wish to attend the Annual Meeting. On Annual Meeting day, you will receive an email and a link to join the Zoom meeting by computer or by smart phone. Please do not begin to send your email address or intention to participate until you receive my email on Wednesday, February 3. In that email, you will receive the email address to respond to.
In addition, all members will receive a packet for the Annual Meeting which will include the data you will need to participate in the meeting. I know that not everyone receives my weekly email. In the first class mailing, all members will receive the information for participation in the meeting.
There are a few of our members who have no access to tech. I believe we know most of the names of those folks. If you have a friend who is a Peace member and does not access tech (no computer/no smart phone/no I-pad), please contact me with his/her name. We have made arrangements for all of our members to be able to hear/see/participate in our virtual meeting. No member who desires to participate will be left out.
Watch for the first class mailing which should arrive on February 9 or 10, at the latest. For those of you on this email, you will receive the address and reply instructions on February 3. As always, I am here to answer any questions you might have.
Thank you to everyone who has opted to continue serving in their elected positions for 2021. The Church Council will make the few appointments needed at their March 11 meeting. These appointments will be one-year appointments. All information on office holders will be presented at the Annual Meeting.
I’ve had occasion to visit with so many of you. Thank you so much for your ongoing financial support of Peace. Thank you so much for your generous donations to the Food Shelf. Thank you so much for volunteering to help with mailings and other office/church details. Thank you so much for your partnership in the Gospel, and for sharing your faith and your gifts with so many others.
Have a good week! Take care…be safe…
Pastor Valerie
Cell: 612-280-6493 Email: [email protected]
Church: 763-757-4459 Email: [email protected]