Weekly Announcements from Pastor Valerie Brown-Greenly, Senior Pastor
Dear Friends,
This coming Sunday, April 25, we begin our partial re-opening of our worship space. I encourage you to go on the website (www.peacecoonrapids.org) and look at the Sign-up Genius. If you desire, reserve one of the spots for attendance. You will notice, as I have stated in past emails, I will continually increase the number of worship reservations from week to week throughout the month of May, and the Sundays that follow.
One reminder: as we begin this process, we need to keep in mind the ‘rules of the road.’ First, every attendee will need to be fully masked when entering the church building, and the expectation is that attendees will remain masked until exiting the building. There will be worship guides available. You may arrive at 9:45am, pick up your worship bulletin and communion pod, and social distance yourself in the Sanctuary. There will be a place for you to drop off your morning offering as offering is not taken during the live stream service. When worship is complete, you will exit the building. Please feel free to social distance with others in the parking lot area if you desire a chance to visit and catch up with one another.
The plan going forward is to continue this process until Sunday, June 13, at which time we will begin having coffee and fellowship outdoors following the 10am worship. Some have asked about parking lot worship. At this time we believe it’s important for us to continue to use the worship space, continue to increase the number of attendees, so that by the end of summer, we are at full capacity. If you have questions or comments, I would appreciate hearing from you. My cell number is always included in these emails, and I have enjoyed conversations with our members and friends.
Tomorrow we have a clinic day, so if you could, please come in next week during the regular times to drop off or pick up items. Peace Lutheran has been honored to be hosting vaccination clinics, and as more vaccine has become available, we will be ending this part of our ministry by Memorial Day Weekend. A big thank you to all of you for supporting this important ministry, and for your prayers and flexibility over these last months. Our congregation has had the opportunity to meet, greet and welcome so many friends and neighbors from the surrounding community. This ministry has helped make a difference in our community being able to begin the journey back to a semblance of ‘normal.’
The Peace Community Garden, in partnership with ‘We All Need Food and Water,’ have been welcoming gardeners for the growing season. What an exciting venture! Thank you to those of you who have signed up for a garden space, and ‘welcome’ the many neighbors and friends who have also signed up. If you intend to sign up for a space, be sure and do so soon. This is a wonderful time to take a walk on the paths of the garden and enjoy the season!
I hope you have a good week! I look forward to seeing some of you this coming Sunday, and in the Sundays to come. Blessings to you…take care…be safe…
Pastor Valerie
Cell: 612-280-6493 Email: [email protected]
Church: 763-757-4459 Email: vbrown-greenly@ peacecoonrapids.org