Weekly Announcements from Pastor Valerie Brown-Greenly, Senior Pastor
Dear Friends,
I hope your week is going well and you are having a good summer! I’ll share some information and a few reminders for the week.
As you look forward to your July 4th celebration, please remember there is no in-person worship on Sunday, July 4. Instead, we will be able to enjoy a concert by CODA! The concert will live stream on Facebook at 10:00am and on the website. CODA’s July 4th concert includes religious and patriotic music. We will be back in-person on Sunday, July 11.
For those of you who have been worshipping on live stream and those of you coming in-person, you know we have made another step in our re-opening process. We are strongly encouraging masking during worship, but no longer requiring it. Please note the word, ‘strongly’. Facts on the ground haven’t changed as far as our intent to protect unvaccinated, immune compromised, and families with children under the age of 12. The new adjustment means we have removed the word ‘required’ and instead are encouraging. Thank you for your patience as we move forward.
There is a funeral for Jay Samuelson tomorrow, Thursday, July 1, at 11:00am, here at Peace. Visitation is at 10:00am. There are no office hours tomorrow. The Church Office is closed on Monday, July 5. The staff will be enjoying the July 4th weekend holiday.
Please go online and look for the VBS registration forms and information. Parents, you can register your children online or come into the church office for a form. Also, we have stickies for snack/beverage donations available for you to pick up on Sunday, July 11. Please purchase the products and return them no later than Sunday, July 25.
This coming Wednesday evening, July 7, there will be a brief meeting for those interested in attending the National Youth Gathering next July. The meeting is intended for parents and youth. We will meet at 6:00pm on July 7, and offer general information and fundraising intentions for the coming year. If you cannot attend, please reach out to me, so I can get your child/children on the contact list. The Gathering is open to those who will be 14 to 18 years old in July, 2022.
The bells are taking off for South Dakota on Thursday, July 8. They are pretty excited for the trip and are looking forward to being refurbished, polished, tuned, and returning to us by September. If you want to make an additional donation to cover the cost of their maintenance, please mark your donations ‘bells’ or ‘bell camp’.
Thank you to those who are stepping up during these summer months with additional financial giving and gifting to Peace Lutheran. We have done an excellent job of staying on task, financially, through the many months of COVID, and are on a strong path toward all of our re-opening plans. It’s important for the life of our church, to continue to trend in a positive direction so we are on good financial footing as we all come together in September with worship, programs, events and activities.
So, if you are in a position to give an additional gift to Peace Lutheran over the summer, I encourage you to do so. Thank you so much for all of your generosity!
Have a good week! Take care…God bless you…
Pastor Valerie
Cell: 612-280-6493 Email: [email protected]
Church: 763-757-4459 Email: vbrown-greenly@ peacecoonrapids.org