Weekly Announcements from Pastor Valerie Brown-Greenly, Senior Pastor
Dear Friends,
I hope you are enjoying your week! This week’s update is brief. If you were in worship on Sunday or online with us, then you know we are strongly encouraging masking in worship for the time being. Minnesota cases continue a steady uptick, so we will continue to err on the side of caution. If you don’t desire to mask or cannot mask, we are asking you to distance yourself from others in the worship setting–edges of the Sanctuary, Narthex or balcony seating. Thank you for your patience.
The Delta is now the main variant in Minnesota and is believed to be more contagious. We will remain fluid in all of our masking recommendations moving forward. If numbers continue to climb, we will revert to requiring masks for worship. In our congregation we have young families with children under the age of 12 and also those who are unvaccinated or cannot be vaccinated. We were taught that wearing a mask is to protect others so we will continue the practice.
VBS is in person this year, and is coming together quite nicely. Karleen Fusenig, our Christian Education Director, has been working tirelessly on the details, activities, and program for the week of August 9-13. If you haven’t had a chance to sign up your child/children, you can do so on our website, or stop in and pick up a registration form. Thank you to those of you who donated items for VBS!
The Peace Community Gardens are looking good! Be sure to take a walk and greet the gardeners! It’s a wonderful time to be outdoors, getting some sun, and meeting new friends!
The funeral for Carmy Martin is this coming Saturday, July 24, at 11:00am, with visitation at 10:00am. Please call the church office by tomorrow morning if you plan on attending. There will be a luncheon served after the service. Masking is encouraged for the funeral.
Have a good week. Take care…God bless…
Pastor Valerie
Cell: 612-280-6493 Email: [email protected]
Church: 763-757-4459 Email: vbrown-greenly@ peacecoonrapids.org