Weekly Announcements from Pastor Valerie Brown-Greenly, Senior Pastor
Dear Friends,
I hope your week is going well. Things at Peace have been busy: VBS is just around the corner. If you haven’t had a chance to register your child/children, please feel free to go on our website to register or pick up a registration form in the church office. We will also gladly register your child/children on the first morning of VBS, Monday, August 9. We are looking forward to a packed week of learning and fun!
Our Bookkeeper, Deb Humrick is retiring from her position with us. Deb has been our bookkeeper since 2014, and while we are sad to see her go, we are excited for her and her next steps into retirement. We will have a cake/fellowship for her on Sunday, August 15, following the 10:00am worship service. If you can’t be with us on Sunday and would like to send a card, please send it to the church office and we will see she gets your greeting.
Covid numbers continue to trend upwards in Minnesota and across our country. While we are not requiring masks in worship, we continue to strongly encourage masking. If everyone is masking, the chances of a variant spread in our community remains quite low, and that is our goal. If the numbers continue to climb as the variant spreads, requiring masking is not off the table. Thank you for your patience as we remember those who cannot be vaccinated, those with auto-immune issues, and our families with children under the age of 12.
Thank you so much for your Food Shelf donations. We are very well stocked with the exception of pancake syrup, canned fruit and vegetables.
Thank you as well for your financial giving and gifting, keeping us on target for our many ministry goals in the coming months.
Office hours remain the same for the coming week, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 8:30am – Noon.
On a personal note: I will be off this coming weekend. I’m participating in the funeral for Pastor John Kerr on Friday, and then my Arizona daughter and oldest granddaughter are coming into town to spend a long weekend. I have been working long hours and will take a little time here and there for self-care and renewal. I have planned a trip to see my Dad at the end of August.
Have a good week! Take care…God bless you…
Pastor Valerie
Cell: 612-280-6493 Email: [email protected]
Church: 763-757-4459 Email: vbrown-greenly@ peacecoonrapids.org