Weekly Announcements from Pastor Valerie Brown-Greenly, Senior Pastor
Dear Friends,
We celebrate with all students, the return to school this fall. Please keep our teachers, students of all ages and stages, and parents in your prayers. For many this has been a stressful transition for many reasons.
Confirmation Orientation is this evening at 6:00pm. All new and returning 6th, 7th and 8th grade students along with a parent/guardian are to attend. We will meet in the Sanctuary. Please remember to mask. We have masks available at the door for those who need one. Confirmation for 9th grade students is Wednesdays, September 15 and 22. 6:00-7:00pm.
The parent/youth meeting for National Youth Gathering is this evening at 7:00pm in the Sanctuary. This will be a brief meeting. Early registration is later this month so we want to get everyone’s information. I will also have some information on fundraising. Hope to see you this evening!
This Sunday, September 12, is Rally Day. Worship will be in the parking lot at 10:00am. Parking begins at 9:30am. We will be welcoming Sunday School children back to Sunday School, in what we believe to be a very safe environment. When you arrive in the parking lot, I will announce for the little ones to meet Karleen, our Christian Education Director, and she with a couple of her teachers, will escort them to Sunday School. We will all be out there to help guide you. After worship, you will be able to pick your children up by the playground doors.
During Rally Day worship, all new confirmation students, 6th grade and those students in other grades who are new to the confirmation program, will be called forward to receive their Bibles during the Rite of Entrance.
This Sunday we will have an opportunity to enjoy cake and coffee on the lawn. The refreshments are being provided by Dr. Julie Jackman and Genoa Healthcare in appreciation of Peace Lutheran’s Vaccination Team and Peace Lutheran Staff. If you stay for refreshments, which I hope you will, please practice social distancing.
I need a couple of adults who would like to learn how to live stream. I would appreciate hearing from you if you are interested. We have been managing many of our ministry needs through staff and through the office, and looking forward, there is a need to complete this team. If we don’t find another person or two, there may be a Sunday when live stream will not be available.
Our PLC Band Director, Steve Gripp is relocating to Phoenix, Arizona. Please mark Sunday, October 3, on your calendar. We will have parking lot worship and a reception for Steve following worship. If you can’t be present, please send cards to the church office and we will see that he receives them.
At this time, masking is required throughout the building. If you don’t have a mask upon arrival, we have masks available for all age groups. Thank you for your patience. Masking will continue until the Covid infection rates drop below 5% for a minimum of two weeks, along with other factors. The goal is to keep everyone as safe as possible, especially our families with children under the age of 12, the unvaccinated and those who cannot be vaccinated.
Office hours continue on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings from 8:30am-Noon and Wednesday evenings from 5:00-7:00pm. We will update you on any changes to office hours as the fall progresses.
I hope you have a good week! See you Sunday!! Take care…Be safe…
Pastor Valerie
Cell: 612-280-6493 Email: [email protected]
Church: 763-757-4459 Email: vbrown-greenly@ peacecoonrapids.org