Weekly Announcements from Pastor Valerie Brown-Greenly, Senior Pastor
Dear Friends,
I hope you are doing well. We are planning to return to in person worship on Sunday, February 6, at 10:00am. Following worship, we will hold our Annual Meeting at 11:30am.
The Annual Meeting will be hybrid, so those of our members who wish can be in person or can join the meeting on Zoom. A separate email will be sent early next week. That email will have the ID number and Passcode for the Zoom meeting. The ID number and Passcode number will NOT be announced on the livestream portion of announcements, as the Annual Meeting is only open to members of Peace Lutheran. We are asking our callers to make specific calls to individuals without tech so they have the ID number and Passcode and are also aware they can attend the Annual Meeting in person if they wish.
For those who choose to return with us for in-person worship on February 6, we will practice complete masking and social distancing in the worship space and for the Annual Meeting. What this means is that masks will cover the nose and the mouth, and we ask that masks are not ‘pulled away from the face’ for speaking or singing. We will be reminding our friends who are not completely masked to adjust masks. We ask those who are most vulnerable to the virus would join us on livestream and then on Zoom for the Annual Meeting. Again, we return to in person worship on Sunday, February 6, at 10:00am, with all COVID precautions in place.
Sunday School will return to in-person on Sunday, February 13. Confirmation, Spirit Time and High School Youth Group will resume on Wednesday, February 9. We certainly thank you for your patience and support as we move forward.
There is a Pfizer/Moderna Booster clinic this Friday, January 28. The clinic is open to all who are 12 years and older who received their last dose of vaccination at least 5 months prior to January 28. Please text me, email me, or Facebook message me to arrange an appointment. Please include the first and last name of each person, which booster they desire and I will message you back an appointment. This may be our last clinic for a month or two depending on the need and the medical direction of the CDC and MDH. If you haven’t been boosted and fit the perimeters, this is a good opportunity to receive a booster. Please remember we are in a health crisis and we need to do our part to move through this pandemic together. If you have questions or comments, contact me directly; I would love to have conversation with you.
Our stewardship campaign, “God’s Grace”, is moving forward! Seven of you have stepped up to be Foundational Givers. The hope is that we will do 22 in 2022, and the rest of the congregation will step up to match what I believe will be a $22,000 foundational starting place. Please contact me directly if you want to be one of the 22 Foundations Givers!
We have scheduled our final photography day for our Picture Directory on Tuesday February 15 from 2:00pm-8:00pm. If you or your family would still like to schedule a photo directory appointment; please email or text Pastor Tim so he can add you to the list. We would especially like to include more of our younger families. Each appointment comes with a free 8×10 print and a printed photo directory.
If you would like to supply a photo for the photo directory, you can email a digital copy to Pastor Tim Schroeder. If you would like assistance scanning your photo, please place the photo in an envelope with your name on it and bring it to the Church Office. These photos will be scanned and returned to you once we resume in-person worship on Sunday February 6. If you have any questions please call or text Pastor Tim at (715) 216-7799 or email at [email protected]
Thank you for your continued donations to the Food Shelf. Items needed this week include canned chicken and tuna, boxed oatmeal packets, spaghetti sauce and pasta, crackers, kid friendly cereals and snacks.
Office hours are normal next week. Tuesday and Wednesday mornings from 8:30am-Noon, and Thursday morning from 8:30am-Noon for those of you who have scheduled in-person appointments.
One additional note: I won’t be here this coming Sunday, January 30. I will be spending the day with family and taking Saturday and Sunday off for some rest and renewal. I look forward to seeing you soon!
Be safe…take care…
Pastor Valerie
Cell: 612-280-6493 Email: [email protected]
Church: 763-757-4459 Email: vbrown-greenly@ peacecoonrapids.org