Weekly Announcements from Pastor Valerie Brown-Greenly, Senior Pastor
Dear Friends,
I hope your week is going well. We are in-person worship this coming Sunday, February 27, at 10:00am. Last week was our last pre-record until the Sunday after Easter, April 24. We will continue with masking for the next while as the infection rates continue to drop in our community. This email and pre-worship announcements will let you know when we move to masks being recommended. Thank you for your patience as we continue to make adjustments in the weeks to come.
The newsletter will reach you at the beginning of March. The newsletter contains the worship plans and times for the Lenten Sundays and the Wednesday evening worship plans. I hope you and your family will mark the dates, come for worship and participate in the season. Ash Wednesday is March 2, at 6:30pm. The service will include confession and absolution, and the imposition of ashes.
As we move forward to Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday worship, we need to recruit volunteers for ushering, communion prep and communion serving. We also need to recruit volunteers for serving refreshments following worship. If you would like to be on a list of volunteers, please contact me. We will bring ushering back on Palm Sunday and hopefully, pre-covid Eucharist (Holy Communion practices) on Easter Sunday. We can do none of this without our volunteers. I look forward to hearing from you!
Last week, one of our member’s homes was destroyed by fire. Amy Nesdahl and her sons, Sam and Jackson, are fine and were able to leave before the flames engulfed their home. Having said that, they need our help. On Sunday, February 27, and Sunday, March 6, you will have an opportunity to donate funds to the family. Please write your checks to Peace Lutheran and put “Nesdahl Support” in the memo. If you put cash into an envelope, pew envelope or otherwise, please clearly mark the envelope, “Nesdahl Support.” Thank you for your support of this family. When they are able to return to a stable living situation, I will update you on household items the family needs. Please do not make any donations of other goods at this time.
The “God’s Grace” stewardship campaign continues. So far, 14 of you have stepped up to the challenge of Foundational Giver. Our goal is to have 22 Foundational Givers as our base and to increase that base by matching the amount. I invite you to prayerfully consider giving an additional, sacrificial gift to the campaign during the Lenten Season. We have been blessed to be a blessing, and these funds are committed to the Mission and Ministry of Peace Lutheran.
With that, if you are struggling with unemployment, underemployment, or personal life circumstances, please reach out to me and we can visit about how the church can partner with you. Under no circumstances do we want you to feel pressure in your giving and gifting; instead, we want you to know the church is here and I am here to support you. Please reach out to me. All contacts are kept confidential. If you or a family member would benefit from receiving a Holiday Easter Basket, please contact me as soon as possible so we can add you to the list.
The Peace Lutheran Webstore will launch on Sunday, February 27, and will remain open through Sunday, March 20. This is a fundraiser for the church and an opportunity for us to purchase Peace Lutheran polos, jackets, hoodies and denims. The webstore is on the Rebyl website (rebyl.com) under the ‘Webstore” tab. Again, our webstore will be up and active on Sunday, February 27.
Thank you for your ongoing donations to the Food Shelf. We are seeing the use of our Food Shelf trend upward in the last few weeks. We appreciate your ongoing donations! At this time, we are asking for canned chicken and tuna, pancake mix and syrup, boxed oatmeal packets, spaghetti sauce and noodles, pasta and rice side dish pouches, mac and cheese, peanut butter and jelly, crackers, kid friendly cereals and snacks, as well as the usual items.
Office hours are normal this week: Tuesday and Wednesday mornings from 8:30-Noon, and Thursday morning from 8:30-Noon for those of you who have made appointments with me.
Have a good week! Take care…be safe…
Pastor Valerie
Cell: 612-280-6493 Email: [email protected]
Church: 763-757-4459 Email: vbrown-greenly@ peacecoonrapids.org