Weekly Announcements from Pastor Valerie Brown-Greenly, Senior Pastor
Dear Friends,
I hope you are having a good week. Lenten Wednesday worship services continue this evening at 6:30pm. Please join us for worship, as we enjoy the series, “In View of God’s Mercy.” This evening will feature a prepared meditation and children’s sermon, along with special music.
As you read in the last email, on Sunday, March 13, masking will no longer be required in the building. Those who wish to continue masking are encouraged to do so. Our staff will continue masking for now.
A few of you have volunteered to help with ushering, communion serving, communion set up and clean up. I need additional volunteers to make the return to a more ‘normal’ worship experience possible. If enough of us don’t volunteer, then I won’t be able to return ushering on Palm Sunday, and preparing and serving Holy Communion will be delayed. The plan now is to return to pre-covid communion practices on Easter Sunday. If we don’t have the volunteers, this will not happen. Contact me directly by text, email or call to let me know of your availability. I hope to receive a list of volunteers that exceeds the need, so please contact me as soon as possible.
The young people attending Camp Wapo this summer are doing a Gerten’s plant fundraiser. There are flyers and information in the Fellowship Hall. This fundraiser goes through Thursday, April 7, and plants will be picked up at church on Saturday, May 14.
The awaited offering envelope boxes have arrived and are in the Fellowship Hall. Please pick yours up. If you find an error or you believe you should have a box and do not, there is a clipboard on the table for you to leave information for the office.
Our Food Shelf ministry continues to need our attention. We are thankful for the many donations! We are in need of all products, especially boxed oatmeal packets, pancake mix, syrup, peanut butter and jelly, pasta and sauce, spaghetti, canned chicken and tuna, and kid friendly cereals and snacks. These products are distributed to those from our membership and community who come to us for food donations. Many of the items are also included in the Easter Holiday food baskets. March is our month of highest need and we are thankful for your generosity!
Thank you for your donations for the Nesdahl family. Amy and her sons have an apartment now, and are beginning to ‘re-set’ their lives. We will accept your financial donations through Sunday, March 20. Please write checks to Peace Lutheran with “Nesdahl” or “fire” in the memo.
If you haven’t had a chance yet, please go to our Webstore. Simply go to Rebyl.com and then to webstores; you will find the Peace Lutheran logo on that page. We have polos, hoodies, jackets and denims available. This is a fundraiser for Peace and also an opportunity to get some ‘fresh’ Peace Lutheran clothing. The Webstore will be open through Sunday, March 20. All orders will be delivered on Palm Sunday, April 10.
We are now in the season of Lent and our stewardship campaign, “God’s Grace” is up and running. 17 individuals and families stepped up to the challenge of being Foundational Givers. We still need 5 individuals or families to meet the goal of 22 Foundational Givers. Even so, it’s our turn now. I invite individuals and families to pray and discern what sacrificial, Lenten financial gift would be appropriate for you? The Lenten season is a time of spiritual reflection, preparation and thankfulness as these six weeks lead us to our Easter celebrations. It is appropriate in this time of fasting and abstinence to remember how very blessed we are and to give, remembering we are to be a blessing for others. Please include “God’s Grace” on the memo of the check you write, or on the envelope.
Again, Peace Lutheran does not expect any sacrificial giving from our members and friends who are struggling this season. This ask is for those who are in a position, that following prayer and discernment are able to add this to their Lenten discipline. For those of you who are struggling in any way, please reach out and let me know how we can help. All contacts are kept confidential.
Office hours are normal this week. Tuesday and Wednesday mornings from 8:30-Noon, and Thursday morning from 8:30-Noon, for those of you who have made in-person appointments with me.
Have a blessed week! Take care…be safe…
Pastor Valerie
Cell: 612-280-6493 Email: [email protected]
Church: 763-757-4459 Email: vbrown-greenly@ peacecoonrapids.org