Weekly Announcements from Pastor Valerie Brown-Greenly, Senior Pastor
Dear Friends,
This email is a bit longer than usual. Please read through as not to miss out on any important information.
A few announcements: Next Sunday, July 3, there will be no in-person worship. We are asking everyone to join us online for our pre-record. As you know, every 7-9 weeks, depending on holiday schedules, I have our whole staff take the weekend off to refresh and renew. Worship will be uploaded next Sunday morning at 10:00am on our Facebook worship page and on the website. Worship continues in-person on Sunday, July 10.
The farewell cake and coffee reception for Debbie Clipson is Sunday, July 17, following the 10:00am service. If you can’t join us that morning, please send your cards and well wishes to the Church Office and we’ll see she receives them on the 17th.
Tomorrow is Debbie’s last day in the Church Office. Please stop in between 9:00-11:00am to say your goodbyes and to wish her well.
Julie Barthels has accepted the position of Office Manager and will begin with us on Monday, July 11. Please stop in the office that week and welcome her.
Pastor Tim and Chris are getting married in July. We will have a coffee and cake reception for them on Sunday, August 7 after the 10:00am worship service. If you can’t be with us that morning, please send your cards and well wishes to the Church Office and we will see that they receive them on the 7th.
Vacation Bible School is August 1-5. Please register your children. It’s going to be a fun week this year. We have a Food Truck theme. There are stickies available on Sunday morning and during office hours. Please take a stickie or two or three and purchase the items and return them to the church office. Thank you for all of your help.
Looking ahead: If you would be interested in teaching Confirmation this fall, please reach out to me. We have a great curriculum and lots of fun! I hope to hear of your interest!
Thank you for your continuing gifting and giving to Peace Lutheran! Thank you to those who have joined the “Cabin Campaign,” every gift and generosity makes a difference.
I want to take a moment to speak to our online congregation. I hope you are enjoying the livestream worship services. I want to invite you to join me in some creative thinking and ideas about how we might connect with you as Peace Lutheran’s online congregation. As I only see the numbers of connections we make every week, and not names: I would appreciate you using your name online on Sunday, July 10. Also, please take note below of my cell number for texting or calling, and my email address. Some of you may be wondering how you can donate and support our church and the livestream ministry. If you go on our website, you will find a giving button, and you can use it for your financial giving. Since some of you will remain online in the months to come. Please reach out with your creative ideas on how we can connect with you and how I can be made aware of your pastoral concerns as they may arise.
In the beginning of the pandemic, I invited members and friends to ‘friend’ me on Facebook. The invitation still stands. Also, please use my cell or email for personal and pastoral needs; and I will respond as quickly as possible.
Wednesday morning Bible Study will resume on Wednesday, September 14 at 10:00am. The group will make decisions on whether to continue on Zoom or to begin meeting in person. At this writing, it appears we will meet in person. (We will make a final decision closer to the date, depending on Covid numbers in September.)
Thank you for all the recent donations to the Food Shelf. As we were putting items away we noticed we are especially low on peanut butter. We are well supplied with pancake mix and syrup. We welcome all the usual staples including: cereal, oatmeal packets, pasta and sauce, and vegetables.
There will be no weekly email next week. We are in transition in the Church Office and I am capable of many things, but totally incapable of sending out the all-congregation email. My apologies. Weekly emails will resume on Wednesday, July 13.
Office hours next week are limited to Tuesday and Wednesday morning from 8:30am-Noon. There will be no set hours on Thursday. Please contact me for any pastoral or personal concerns.
Have a great week. Take care…be safe…
Pastor Valerie
Cell: 612-280-6493 Email: [email protected]
Church: 763-757-4459 Email: vbrown-greenly@ peacecoonrapids.org