Weekly Announcements from Pastor Valerie Brown-Greenly, Senior Pastor
Dear Friends,
On Sunday, we will have a cake and coffee reception for Debbie Clipson following the 10am worship service. Debbie has retired from her position as Office Manager and we will celebrate her many years of service with us. We will also be joined by special guest, Keith Ellison, the Attorney General of Minnesota. It will be a fun morning and I hope that many of you are able to join us in person and online!
Pastor Tim and Chris were married this last weekend! We will celebrate with them on August 7, with a cake and coffee reception following the 10am worship service. If you can’t be with us and wish to, please send your cards and well wishes to the Church Office and we will see that they get them.
Have you ever wanted to try ringing handbells? If so, you’re in luck! This summer, the Ringers of Peace are holding casual practices on Monday evenings 6-7PM. Ringers of all levels are welcome! If you’re an experienced ringer, you can jump right in. If you’re a first -time ringer, no problem, we’ll show you the ropes! Please contact Kate at 612-636-5076 if you are interested. We would love to have you join us!
Thank you to those who have been so gracious in your financial gifting and giving to Peace Lutheran! If you haven’t joined the Cabin Campaign, it’s not too late. Let me know of your intention to do so through a text, email or cell call.
For those of you who are signed up to host Casa de Oracion, we are still in a holding pattern and moving forward. Once everything is set between our two congregations, I will contact you with the first dates of their worship in our building. Thank you for your patience. I think our partnership with Casa’s congregation will be an important and exciting ministry, as I know we all look forward to welcoming them!
We need a couple of individuals who want to learn how to livestream. Please contact me with your interest. This is a paid position.
Special thanks to Julie Jackman for her artistic rendering of “The Cross of the Risen Christ,” which is now displayed in our sanctuary! It’s hanging just above the sculpture of Jesus as you enter the room. It’s a beautiful piece and nicely accents the corner display.
While COVID 19 infections appear to be low in Anoka County this week. We have had some additional exposures on staff and among our members and friends. Masking continues to be optional in our church building and for worship. This status will be reviewed and changed depending on COVID 19 infection rates in our county and state.
Office hours are the same next week. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday morning from 8:30-noon. If you are out and about, please stop in to welcome our new Office Manager, Julie Barthels!
Have a good week. Take care… be safe…
Pastor Valerie
Cell: 612-280-6493 Email: [email protected]
Church: 763-757-4459 Email: vbrown-greenly@ peacecoonrapids.org