Weekly Announcements from Pastor Valerie Brown-Greenly, Senior Pastor

Weekly Announcements from Pastor Valerie Brown-Greenly, Senior Pastor

Funeral Information:
Prayers of comfort to the family of Gilma Oppedahl who passed away August 30, 2022.  
The funeral will be held at Peace on Wednesday, September 7, 2022, 10:00 am visitation, 11:00 am service, with a luncheon to follow.
Dear Friends,
There are a few announcements in this email. I hope you are having a good week and looking forward to all the startups, activities and events coming up at church in September. The newsletter is being mailed out tomorrow, so you should receive it later in the week or early next week.
Please remember that there is NO in-person worship this coming Labor Day Sunday. The pre-recorded worship service will be posted to the website and Facebook Worship page at 10 am, Sunday, September 4. This was announced in church on Sunday, but please be sure to share with any of our non-tech members so that they don’t come and are disappointed.
We are hoping to add a few more Sunday School teachers this fall. If you are interested, please see Karleen Fusenig, our Education Director.
Please sign up for worship assisting. The sign up is on the bulletin board near the main entrance of the church.
We will be having a cake and coffee reception for the Dubats family and our new Office Manager, Julie Barthels, on Rally Sunday, September 11. We want to thank the Dubats family for their generous gift in memory of Bill Dubats … the new stone walls look amazing.  Please let the office know if you can help serve on September 11.
With that, we’ve decided to return to coffee fellowship in September, and need several of you to volunteer to serve on Sunday mornings. Please contact the church office and let us know which Sundays you are able to help in the kitchen.
Confirmation Orientation for new and returning students (including 9th graders) on Wednesday, September 14, 6 pm. Confirmation is open to all students 6th grade and older. If you have a child who is in 7th or 8th grade who has not been in class, be sure and register them on the 14th. We look forward to greeting you and to having a wonderful year!
Office hours remain the same this week. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday morning from 8:30 am – noon.
Pastor Valerie
Cell:  612-280-6493 Email:  [email protected]
Church:  763-757-4459 Email:  vbrown-greenly@peacecoonrapids.org