Weekly Announcements from Pastor Valerie Brown-Greenly, Senior Pastor
Funeral Notice: Sherman Johnson passed away yesterday, September 13. His service is scheduled for Friday, September 30; visitation is at 10 am, and the service is at 11 am.
Dear Friends,
Rally Day was a lot of fun! It was great to see so many in worship, to welcome our Sunday School students, and to enjoy the cake and coffee receptions!
Wednesday Morning Bible Study began today, September 14, in-person 10 am in the Fellowship Hall. We welcome everyone to join the Bible Study. Since Covid, our Bible Study has been offered on Zoom. If you have been attending Bible Study on Zoom and wish to continue on Zoom, please let me know and I’ll send a link. Also, if you are new to the Bible Study and are more comfortable on Zoom, please contact me with your email address, and I’ll send you a link.
Confirmation Orientation for ALL students is tonight, September 14, at 6 pm. It is important that all new and returning students, and a parent/guardian are in attendance. All 9th grade parents and students, need to pick up your robes this evening at 6 pm. 9th grade families, please remember that we have pictures and practice this coming Sunday, September 18, beginning at noon. Please be here just before noon with your robes and stoles on. Parents, you will have the opportunity to purchase your photo packages that afternoon.
All Confirmation families should plan on being in worship this Sunday, September 18, at 10am. The 6th grade students will participate in a Rite of Entrance into Confirmation, and all confirmation students will be recognized in worship.
We are in NEED of Sunday School teachers. If you are interested in teaching Sunday School, please contact Karleen Fuesnig, our Christian Education Director. We need your help, so please consider joining the team!
Wednesday night dinners begin on September 21st. We will serve from 5:30pm – 6pm. These meals will be family friendly. Our plan is to turn the Fellowship Hall back over to our Middle School and High School Youth for the balance of their evening, youth group activities beginning at 7pm. If you would like to volunteer to help set up and clean up, please contact the Church Office.
Please keep in mind our Stewardship Campaign, “Building for the Future” as you consider your giving trends for the coming months. As you know, we take into consideration all pledges and financial commitments into the budgeting process for next year. Please be in prayer about your financial gifts and giving to Peace Lutheran as you support the many ways our congregation serves within our church community and into the larger, surrounding communities.
We will be offering the updated COVID 19 booster. I will get those dates out as soon as we have them confirmed. We look forward to serving our members and friends!
It’s good to be back together again! You are always in my prayers! Please let me know how Peace can be of service to you and your family; and please contact me for questions, comments and conversations!
Take care… be safe…
Pastor Valerie
Cell: 612-280-6493 Email: [email protected]
Church: 763-757-4459 Email: vbrown-greenly@ peacecoonrapids.org