Weekly Announcements from Pastor Valerie Brown-Greenly, Senior Pastor
Dear Friends,
I hope you are doing well this week. Here are a few announcements:
We are hosting a vaccination clinic on Monday, October 10th. If you would like the updated booster and/or a flu vaccination, please text or call my cell, 612-280-6493, and I will give you an appointment time. These are filling fast, so please contact me at your earliest convenience.
Tonight, Wednesday evening meals begin at 5:30 pm-6 pm. Please come and join us for a family friendly meal. We can visit together until 6:30 pm, and then we’ll turn the Fellowship Hall back over to our youth for their evening youth group activities.
Confirmation classes begin at 6 pm this evening, followed by Middle School and High School Youth Group at 7:15 pm. We are planning for our middle school youth to stay for Youth Group after confirmation classes end at 7 pm. Parents you may pick up after Youth Group at 8:15 pm. A “Welcome Back Bonfire,” is planned for Wednesday, October 5th, at 7:15 pm for all Middle and High School students!
Pastor Tim’s farewell reception is Sunday, October 9th, following the 10 am worship. Pastor Tim has accepted a call with Portico. We wish him many blessings in his ministry and will miss him! If you can’t be with us, and wish to, please send your cards and greetings to the Church Office and we will see that he gets them.
Please remember to sign up for the Women’s Gathering Event on October 8! What a wonderful opportunity to gather for fellowship, worship, speakers and renewal! Registration forms are available in the Church Office. Please contact me if you have any questions. This event is a synod wide event and we hope to see you there! You may register with by form or online at https://tinyurl.com/ WomenGathering2022.
If you would like to help serve refreshments on Sunday mornings, please call the Church Office. If we don’t have volunteers scheduled, we won’t be able to host fellowship and refreshments. Our staff is busy preparing for worship and Sunday School, so we are asking you to step up and help with this fellowship opportunity.
We are still in need of Sunday School teachers. Please contact Karleen Fusenig, 763-757-4459 or sundayschool@peacecoonrapids. org if you are able to volunteer to teach. Also, please note that we are gathering items for Operation Christmas Child. Donations are needed to help fill the boxes. Please take a sticky note from the board in the Fellowship Hall for an item to purchase. We are also in need of cash donations to help with shipping. The cost to ship one box is $10. Please label your check or envelope with Operation Christmas Child donation. All supplies can be dropped off during Church Office hours or Sunday mornings. Please have your items returned by Sunday, October 16.
Peaceful Country Boutique October 28- 30. Looking for volunteers to help and sign-up sheets are on the board in the Fellowship Hall.
Help Needed:
- Make and donate Lefse.
- Setup on Thursday, October 27 and Friday, October 28.
- Dining Room – serving/assisting customers
- Kitchen-cooking, serving, food prep – Thursday and Friday during the day.
- Cashier (this is a sit-down job)
- Assisting customers.
- Rearrange items on Saturday at 2:00 pm.
- Take down on Sunday, after 12 pm.
Donations Needed:
- Homemade Lefse, Crafts, Baked Goods, Jams, Jellies, etc.
- Supplies – Paper and plastic bags.
Have a good week!! Take care… be safe…
Pastor Valerie
Cell: 612-280-6493 Email: [email protected]
Church: 763-757-4459 Email: vbrown-greenly@ peacecoonrapids.org