A Message From Pastor Val
Dear Friends,
There are several announcements that I want to make sure we all have on our calendars: onSunday, May 7, we will have a farewell reception for Kerri Tomandl, our Preschool Director. Kerri has resigned her position with us, and we will celebrate her service. On the same day, we will have a farewell for Vicar Jessie Hodgson who is leaving for a year for his internship. Jessie will return to us for his senior year of seminary. In addition, we have planned a silent auction for the morning as a fundraiser for Peace Lutheran. These receptions will follow our worship at 10am.
You are invited to prepare a basket for the silent auction. Please contact the church office for details. It should be a fun event! Thank you to everyone who has provided a basket and for those of you who are putting a few together! Our deadline for receiving baskets is Wednesday, May 3.
There will be an All Confirmation dinner on Wednesday, May 10, at 6pm. This dinner is for all students, parents, and families of confirmands. We hope you will plan on joining us that evening. One purpose of the evening is to recognize our students who will confirm their faith next fall. The other purpose of our gathering is to get with parents about a new “Connect Up” group this fall for parents on Wednesday evenings. If you would like to help facilitate this group, please contact me.
We need a couple of volunteers who are interested in working on the flower gardenssurrounding our church building. If you would like to help beautify our grounds, please contact me and we can set things up for purchasing flowers and plants for our facility grounds.
Please be sure and sign up to serve coffee and refreshments in the coming weeks. We have cookies available for you to serve, or you are welcome to bring treats. Please contact the Church Office to sign up for the upcoming Sunday mornings.
I am very excited to announce that our daughter, Emily Brown, will be graduating from Luther Seminary this month. We are so proud of her as she begins her future life as a Pastor of the ELCA. Please join us at Peace Lutheran on Saturday, May 20, from 4-6pm for a cake and coffee reception in her honor. She wants to thank the people of Peace Lutheran for all your support through these last years of seminary. We hope you will join us!
We are in the ‘search’ process for filling the Preschool Director position. Please share the opening with friends and family who you think might be interested. The job description is on our website. If you have questions, please contact Kerri Tomandl at the Peace Preschool and she will assist you in the application process.
I hope you have a great week. Take care… be safe…
Pastor Valerie