A Message from Pastor Val
Dear Friends,
Tonight, is the All Confirmation dinner!! Confirmation families and students are welcome!! Dinner is served at 6pm.
Thank you to everyone who ordered plants from Gertens to support the youth going to Camp Wapo! You can pick your orders up by the playground area tomorrow evening from 6:30pm-8:30pm.
On Sunday, May 14, I will be attending University Lutheran Church of Hope, as it is Emily’s last Sunday of internship. As many of you know, she is graduating from Luther Seminary, and will be seeking a first call as a pastor of the ELCA. We will be hosting a cake reception for her on Saturday, May 20, from 4pm-6pm, here at Peace. All are welcome!
Thanks to those of you who have been working on the flower gardens around our facility. If you are interested in being part of the group, please contact the church office.
The Church Council and Garden Board sent out an email regarding the Peace Community Garden area. As clarification, there will be no community gardening this year as outlined by the Peace Garden Board and Peace Church Council. If you need further clarification, please contact our Church Council President, Jared Steinberg.
During these wonderful, beautiful weather weekends, please remember to send your offering envelopes in or to sign up for First Fruits. We have turned the corner since the two years of COVID 19 interruptions, and more of us are out and about taking trips and being away. Giving is a spiritual discipline, as we remember that God gifts our very lives and blesses us day after day; with that, we return our blessings through our gifts to the mission and ministry of Peace Lutheran. We work together for maintaining a stable and strong financial base through these summer months, and in support of all the programs, ministries and activities of our congregation. I hope you will pray about an additional, sacrificial financial gift to Peace.
Please remember, this ask is not for anyone who is struggling financially or with food insecurity. If you are financially vulnerable, please contact me. The contact is kept confidential. We are here to serve you in any way that we can!
I hope you have a good week! Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers and those who have been like mothers to us!! Take care… be safe…
Pastor Valerie