A Message From Pastor Val
Dear Friends,
I hope your summer is going well. We certainly are enjoying some warmer temperatures, and I think we are all hoping for some rain soon! I don’t have much to update you on this week.
We did have a bit of an adventure in our home yesterday. It seems that one of our pipes burst in our laundry room and caused quite a mess throughout the family room, bathroom and one of the bedrooms. For those of you who have had similar events, you know what kind of mess that can be! So, amid all of our busy times, our family is re-working that area of our house. I hope you are having a less eventful week and fitting some family fun into these warmer days!
Thank you so much for continuing to respond to donations to the food shelf! We continue to have an uptick in use through the community. We are currently in need of fruit, kid friendly snacks, cereals, boxed pastas and canned tuna and chicken. Thank you so much for all of your help!
Thank you as well to those who have given generous financial support in the last few days! With all of us busy and traveling for vacations and time away, your gifts to the mission and ministry of Peace Lutheran help us to maintain a healthy financial base during these busy months of summer. To give online now, place your mouse over the blue link “Peace….. Giving” and press Control + Click. This will take you to Peace’s website page for Giving. www.peacecoonrapids.org/giving
Please remember to sign up the little ones for VBS. VBS is July 31-August 4, from 9am-noon. There are registration forms in the church office and online. We look forward to a fun week with our young guests!
We would appreciate volunteers who would be willing to serve refreshments after worship on Sundays. There is a sign up on the bulletin board, and you can also call Julie in the church office to sign up for a Sunday!
Have a great week! Take care… be safe…
Pastor Valerie