A Message From Pastor Valerie
Dear Friends,
This coming Sunday is Reformation Sunday! Plan on wearing red and joining us for a great morning of worship, baptisms, holy communion and great music! We will also be celebrating Mark Vogel during the coffee/cake reception. Mark is retiring after 15 years as one of our facilities managers. We wish him all the best in his retirement!
Confirmation classes have returned to Wednesday evening! Please plan on coming to your class and staying for youth group following class time!
Many of you know that Peace Lutheran is going to the National Youth Gathering in New Orleans this summer. The informational meeting is on Sunday, November 19, at 11am. It is important that parents and students attend this meeting together. This is a life changing experience for our youth!! All 8th – 12 grade students are invited to attend.
We are finalizing the Holiday Basket ministry for Thanksgiving. If you or someone you know would be blessed by a Holiday Basket, please contact me and I will add them to the list. This contact is confidential and names are not publicized. Please contact me by the first week of November!
Our Fall/Winter Newsletter will be mailed on Monday. It has updates, information, and schedules for holiday worships and events!!
Covid 19 continues to be active in parts of our community. If you are feeling unwell, please stay home; and those who desire to mask are welcome to. We want everyone to feel comfortable and welcome!! Masking is not required in worship or for any of our events, individual choices are honored.
Also, a few questions about coffee. Please feel welcome to bring your coffee with you into worship. We only ask that your coffee has a secure lid, and if there are spills, that you would wipe them up. Children and children’s snacks are welcome in worship. (crackers and the like). We want everyone to have a comfortable worship experience. If you have any questions, please contact me directly.
Please sign up to provide coffee/treats for after worship gatherings and fellowship time. Contact the church office and we can help you arrange it and also provide the treats if you would need. Thank you for making the morning special!!
I hope you have a great week!! Take care. Be safe.
Pastor Valerie