Message from Pastor Valerie
Dear Friends,
Tomorrow evening, 7:00 pm, is the Kris O Brien and Friends, Thanks Giving Concert in Word and Music. This will be a fabulous event and I hope that you will make time to come out and join us. The music features Kris O Brien and also our own Trychia Borgstrom and Malcolm Anderson, and many others. It will be such a meaningful time together and I hope to see many of you there!
Thank you so much for all of your generous donations for the Thanksgiving Holiday Baskets. This year our ministry is serving 41 families! As we finish our donations for Thanksgiving Baskets, we look to our Christmas food donation needs. So, as we enjoy the blessings of gathering with friends and family for Thanksgiving next week, we will need to begin refreshing our donations for the Christmas Holiday Baskets.
Next Wednesday Evening, November 22, you are invited to a Thanksgiving Community Dinner here at Peace. We will serve the meal from 5:00-6:00 pm. Following the meal, we will gather for Thanksgiving Worship at 6:30 pm. Please plan on coming out next Wednesday evening, for a great meal together and a wonderful time of worship with Holy Communion and special music. Bring your friends and family!! All are welcome!!
As Christmas approaches, we are preparing to serve a minimum of 45-50 families, many of whom have small children. If you are able, I would appreciate donations of gift cards from Walmart and Target to include in these baskets. In addition, this year, I am asking for donations of family board games which will also be included in the baskets. If you know of any of your family, friends or neighbors who need a Christmas Holiday Basket, please contact me directly. All contacts are confidential. Please turn in your gift cards to the church office and Julie will see that I receive them.
Following Thanksgiving, Christmas preparations take a great deal of our time and energy. I wanted to write to you about our spiritual preparations. With Advent just a few days away, I ordered special books for the children of our congregation and special devotional’s for young people and adults. I think you will enjoy these two publications. I will have both out on the welcome center by the door where most of you enter the building. I hope you enjoy the devotionals and they are helpful as you pray and center your hearts for this holy season.
Have a good week! Happy Thanksgiving!! Take care, be safe…
Pastor Valerie