A Message from Pastor Valerie and This Week’s Announcements

A Message from Pastor Valerie and This Week’s Announcements

Dear Friends,
I hope this New Year is going well for you!!  The temperatures have certainly kept us busy between heavy coats and then jackets in January.  There seems to be a great many illnesses in our communities these last weeks.  A gentle reminder that if you are under the weather, please stay home.  Also, please feel free to mask if masking makes you feel more comfortable.  No pressure.  We want to keep your community safe, and it takes all of us to do so.
Today, I want to begin with a big thank you!!!! Everyone has been so very generous in their gifting and giving to Peace Lutheran!! We finished the year with a very strong financial standing!! Everyone has worked so diligently these last weeks, not only in financial gifting, but also in the giving of resources and time to those we serve through the church!  You have kept our food shelf strong and guaranteed that we will be able to serve the many families who come to us during the week!  
I haven’t written for a while, and as I was composing my Annual Report, I wanted to update you on a couple of special events.  This coming Sunday, I have the weekend off, and fully intended to be with you on January 26, and life happens.
 After worship, I visited with one of our members who grew up in one of the churches I had the privilege of serving in Wright, MN. My friend brought the news that Bethlehem Lutheran in Wright, MN, is having its Holy Closing on Sunday, January 26, at 10am.  All the congregations I’ve had the privilege to serve hold a special place in my heart, as does Bethlehem.  Bruce and the girls and I will be in Wright MN, on Sunday January 26, for the Holy Closing of the congregation and to spend time after with members and friends that I haven’t seen for decades.  Please pray for Bethlehem, as it will be a bittersweet day for the community. No matter the reason for a church to close, it is always an emotional time. I certainly thank you for your prayers of support for the community!
In addition, we want to announce that Pastor Emily is having a baby boy sometime in March!  My daughters and I are hosting a baby shower at her church in Rockford, MN on Saturday, February 1, at 2pm.  I put an invitation on Facebook, and in the bulletin for the coming Sundays.  We don’t expect you to make the journey to this event, and in the next breath, we more importantly, didn’t want to leave anyone out just because you might not be on Facebook, etc.  Everyone is welcome to come and celebrate with us!  Let me know through a text or email if you are planning to come!  It will be a light and fun afternoon, and hopefully the weather will be good for the beautiful drive to Our Father’s Lutheran Church in Rockford, MN.
One of the items that will be in my Annual Report is the formation of an Internship Team for later this year.  A few of you have volunteered, please make sure I have your names!  I know that I’m still in need of a high school youth/college age young adult for the team.  The group will be between 7- and 9-members total.  I appreciate your consideration!!  There will be a training session as the time approaches for the intern’s onboarding later this summer.
I hope you have a great week!!  Take care and be safe!!
Pastor Valerie
Announcements 01-15-25
Women of Peace Annual Budget meeting this Sunday, January 19, 11:00 am, Choir Room.  
The WOP have had two successful boutiques and plan to help ministries within our congregation, community and globally.  We also hope to form an event group who will plan events for the coming year.  Please be a part of our endeavors to help WOP and circles thrive.
All Members:Annual Meeting  Sunday, February 9, 11:15 am.  Please plan to attend.
Food Shelf needs:  
Spaghetti Sauce and noodles (we are in low supply of both of these items)
Peanut Butter
Pancake Mix and Syrup
Hearty Soups
Camp Wapo registration starts January 15 – February 15
To register, you will need the Wapo link for Peace.  Please email Karleen Fusenig,
Camp Dates:
Seeds Weekend, July 18-20, grades 1-3
Youth Camp Week, July 20-25, grades 4-12
Peace has limited spots reserved, if the spots are full, add your child to the wait list.
The Gertens plant sale fundraiser is set up to help with the cost.  The sale kicks off sometime in March, watch for more information.  Plants will be delivered on May 8.  
If you have any questions, please email Karleen at sundayschool@peacecoonrapids.org.
Sign Ups:
2025 Flower Chart posted on bulletin board near the office.  Sign up to give flowers in memory or honor of someone.  Cost $25 per bouquet.
Sign up sheets to help serve communion or usher on the bulletin board near the office door.
Straight to the Heart Media presents SEASONS OF LOVE SONGS AND STORIES in concert.
Kris O’Brien and Friends.
Thursday, February 20, 2025, 7:00 pm at Peace Lutheran Church.
Suggested free-will offering $10
Doors open 6:30 pm come early to gather and visit.
Peace Weekly Calendar
Wednesday, January 15
8:30 am Office Opens Offices
9:00 am Preschool Preschool Rms
11:30 am Preschool Chapel Time Sanctuary
3:00 pm Food Prep Kitchen
5:00 pm Wednesday Community Dinner Kitchen, FH
6:00 pm Confirmation Various Rms
Thursday, January 16
8:30 am Office Opens Offices
9:00 am Preschool Preschool Rms
10:00 am Visitation with the Benson Family Narthex
11:00 am Memorial Service for George Benson Sanctuary
11:30 am Preschool Chapel Time Preschool Rms
11:45 am Luncheon with the Benson Family Kitchen, FH
6:30 pm Church Council Meeting Zoom
Friday, January 17
9:00 am Preschool   PJ Party Preschool Rms
Saturday, January 18 No Activities
Sunday, January 19
10:00 am Worship Sanctuary
10:00 am Sunday School Choir Rm
11:00 am Coffee and Treats Kitchen, FH
12:00 pm WOP Annual Meeting Choir Rm
Monday, January 20  No Preschool
8:30 am Office Opens Offices
4:30 pm Autism Peer Group Choir Rm, Rm 3
6:00 pm Autism Peer Group Choir Rm, Rm 3
6:00 pm Ringers of Peace Sanctuary
7:15 pm Autism Peer Group Choir Rm, Rm3
7:30 pm Infusion Sanctuary
Tuesday, January 21  No Preschool
8:30 am Office Opens Offices
9:00 am Piano Tuning Sanctuary
10:00 am Staff Mting Choir Rm
6:30 pm Boy Scouts FH
Wednesday, January 22
8:30 am Office Opens Offices
9:00 am Preschool Preschool Rms
11:30 am Preschool Chapel Time Sanctuary
3:00 pm Food Prep Kitchen
5:00 pm Wednesday Community Dinner Kitchen, FH
6:00 pm Confirmation Various Rms
7:15 pm MS & HS Youth Group Youth Rm
Thursday, January 23
8:30 am Office Opens Offices
9:00 am Preschool Preschool Rms
11:30 am Preschool Chapel Sanctuary
Friday, January 24
9:00 am Preschool Preschool Rms
Saturday, January 25    No Activities
Sunday, January 26
10:00 am Worship Sanctuary
10:00 am Sunday School Choir Rm
11:00 am Coffee and Treats Kitchen, FH
Monday, January 27
8:30 am Office Opens Offices
9:00 am Preschool Preschool Rms
4:30 pm Autism Peer Group Choir Rm, Rm 3
6:00 pm Autism Peer Group Choir Rm, Rm 3
6:00 pm Ringers of Peace Sanctuary
7:15 pm Autism Peer Group Choir Rm, Rm3
7:30 pm Infusion Sanctuary
Tuesday, January 28
8:30 am Office Opens Offices
9:00 am Preschool Preschool Rms
10:00 am Staff Meeting Choir Rm
Wednesday, January 29
8:30 am Office Opens Offices
9:00 am Preschool    Pastries with Parents Preschool Rms
11:30 am Preschool Chapel Time Sanctuary
3:00 pm Food Prep Kitchen
5:00 pm Wednesday Community Dinner Kitchen, FH
66:00 pm Confirmation Various Rms
7:15 pm MS & HS Youth Group Youth Rm