This Week’s Peace Lutheran Church Announcements

This Week’s Peace Lutheran Church Announcements

Announcements – Wednesday, January 8, 2025


Happy 2025!


Women of Peace Annual Budget meeting on Sunday, January 19, 11:00 am, Choir Room. 


The WOP have had two successful boutiques and plan to help ministries within our congregation, community and globally.  We also hope to form an event group who will plan events for the coming year.  Please be a part of our endeavors to help WOP and circles thrive.


Note, there will be no Spirit Time for the remainder of the school year. 


Write on your calendar:   Annual Meeting  Sunday, February 9, 11:15 am.  Please plan to attend.


Food Shelf needs

Spaghetti Sauce and noodles

Peanut Butter


Pancake Mix and Syrup

Hearty Soups


Thank you for all your support during the holidays. 


Sign Ups:

2025 Flower Chart posted on bulletin board near the office.  Sign up to give flowers in memory or honor of someone.  Cost $25 per bouquet.


Sign up sheets to help serve communion or usher on the bulletin board near the office door.