Volunteer Opportunities

Peace Food Shelf

Peace collects and distributes bags of food to those in need in our congregation and community.   You will need identification the first time to receive food monthly.   The food shelf is open Monday – Thursdays, 9am to noon.  Most of the food is contributed by Peace members, although some is collected by area schools and the Boy Scouts.



Peace Meal

Peace Lutheran Church serves a tasty and friendly dinner for the community and our congregation from 5:00-6:00pm on Wednesdays. Please note that peanut products may be served.

Anyone who wants to make a freewill donation to cover the cost of their meal is welcome to do so, but it isn’t necessary.

If you are interested in volunteering to help prep or serve the meal please call Julie in the church office, 763 757-4459.



Holiday Food Baskets

Peace provides a week’s worth of food, plus a full holiday meal for families in need in our community and our congregation at Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter.  A family member will need to pick up their food basket on the specified date.


Meals on Wheels

Volunteers from Peace deliver hot meals to shut-ins in the community. Peace drives every nine weeks and has to have 12 drivers every day that week.



Sunday Morning Service Opportunities

Our congregation is very involved in the process of celebrating God’s grace through worship. Check out the opportunities below and if you are interested in becoming involved, please contact the office for information.

Altar Guild
Help prepare altar for Holy Communion. Altar Guild members prepare the elements on Wednesday or Thursday mornings; others set up and clean up Sunday mornings. New members work with experienced partners for the first few months.  Call the church office to sign u 763 757-4459.

Communion Assistant
Help serve Holy Communion during worship. No advance training necessary. Sign up sheet on the bulletin board in the west entrance of the Fellowship Hall.


Welcome visitors and members on Sunday mornings.  Sign up on the bulletin board in the west entrance of the Fellowship Hall. Families and youth are welcome to help!

Read the lesson during Sunday services. The office will send you the reading beforehand so you can practice. If interested, sign up on the bulletin board in the west entrance of the Fellowship Hall.  Contact church office 763 757-4459.

Help greet worshipers, hand out bulletins, collect offering and generally provide hospitality during worship services. Families and youth are welcome to help!  Sign up sheet on the bulletin board in the west entrance

Video Technician
Create and project announcements and lyrics for our Worship services. The basic presentations are provided—team members add backgrounds, graphics and animations. Familiarity with Power Point helpful and must have good enough hearing to follow along with the music. No regular meetings. Time commitment is 3-5 hours once a month for six months. Training and equipment provided.  Contact church office, 763 757-4459.

Choir and Music
We have many opportunities to get involved with our Sunday morning music! Please see our Music at Peace page for more information.