Weekly Announcements from Pastor Valerie Brown-Greenly, Senior Pastor
Dear Friends,
We had a wonderful first, partial re-opening last Sunday. There were 39 people in worship and things went very well. Remember to go on to the church website and use the sign-up-genius to register for Sunday. The numbers for sign up do not include those who are assigned to come who have no access to technology; the number of attendees is actually a bit larger than the limit on the genius. Use the sign up for now, and we will see how we progress into September. We will celebrate being back together in September, when there is no sign-up-genius and everyone who wishes to attend is present. (I may be able to take the genius down this summer, but do not want our ‘back together’ celebrations to happen until the beginning of September and the start up of some of our programs).
I’ve been asked to include upcoming funerals as they are scheduled. This coming Friday, is the service for Arlene Johnson. The service is at 11am here at Peace; visitation is at 10am. If you want to stop in at the visitation to drop off a card and greet the family, you may do so. The funeral is limited to a particular number of attendees, so the funeral portion will be for family and close friends of the family.
There will be many additional services throughout the summer, as we have members that passed during this last year who have yet to be able to celebrate their loved one’s lives with a service. I will announce those, and the possibility of attendance for our members and friends. Jane Ebert’s service will be sometime in May, and I will announce the service through this email and in Sunday announcements. If you have any questions, or if you are wanting to calendar a service for your loved one, please contact me and we can work together on scheduling.
Thank you for your ongoing donations to the food shelf. The food shelf is in amazing condition and we are looking forward to doing a major distribution in June and again before school starts in the fall. This schedule works well with our holiday distributions during the school year. Thank you so much for all of your help!!
Office hours will remain the same next week. So, please stop in as you will and pick up and drop off items. Thank you for your ongoing giving to the mission and ministry of Peace. You have done such an amazing job of keeping us on track financially, so that as we emerge from this COVID time into a more ‘normal’ time, we will be on track for a great year!
I hope you are watching the garden announcements and opportunities. On Saturday, May 8, there will be a special program; “Ruff Start Rescue” will be there to give an overview about what they do and talk about what the foster and adoption process looks like. They will also talk about the benefits of adopting a pet instead of buying one.
There will be some amazing things happening out in the garden area, and I hope you plan on being a part of this new ministry! There will be some amazing gardens this year, as our community garden guests and friends will be tending their areas!
I hope you have a great week. God bless you.. be safe… take care….
Pastor Valerie
Cell: 612-280-6493 Email: [email protected]
Church: 763-757-4459 Email: vbrown-greenly@ peacecoonrapids.org