Weekly Announcements from Pastor Valerie Brown-Greenly, Senior Pastor
Dear Friends,
I hope your week is going well. Here are a few updates: The sign-up for in-person church worship is going well. Please go on the church website, click on sign up for in-person worship, click on the worship date, and follow the prompts. I’ve removed the ‘every other Sunday rule’, so you can sign up as you wish to attend. Those in worship have been doing a great job with masking, and moving in and out of the building, so I’ve increased the number of attendees. I think our process is working well, and expect us to continue to move forward with our partial and then full re-opening plans.
I would appreciate hearing from a couple of you who would be available the second Sunday in June to help with a coffee and refreshment station for those who would like to have coffee and conversation outdoors. Basically, I need volunteers who would be willing to make the coffee and serve it to those who are going outdoors to visit, and then do cleanup. Let me know if you have a few Sundays free and would be willing to help. Email me, text me, or call me of your interest and I can outline the simple process for you.
Office hours this next week will be as normal. We are having our last vaccine clinic on May 14 and 15, and then will be returning the Fellowship Hall and Sanctuary back to normal.
Please remember the fun garden activity on Saturday, May 8, from 9:30am – 10:30am. Ruff Rescue will be in the garden to present their program on adoption and rescue. There will be a variety of programs offered in the garden throughout the season.
There are still offering envelope boxes needing pick up. Please stop at the welcome table on your way into worship and retrieve yours.
Thank you for the ongoing Food Shelf donations. Please keep them coming. Our food shelf is in excellent condition and we are excited for our June and August distributions.
Thank you as well for your ongoing financial gifting to the mission and ministry of Peace Lutheran. We are moving forward and on target to have a great year!
Have a good week. Let me know if you need anything or how I can be of help!
Pastor Valerie
Cell: 612-280-6493 Email: [email protected]
Church: 763-757-4459 Email: vbrown-greenly@ peacecoonrapids.org