Weekly Announcements from Pastor Valerie Brown-Greenly, Senior Pastor
Dear Friends,
I hope you are doing well and looking forward to Memorial Weekend!
Office Hours this week and next week are normal: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings from 8:30am-Noon. There will be no office hours on Tuesday, June 8, due to a funeral.
Here is a list of the funerals that have been scheduled so far:
Jane Ebert, Tuesday, June 8, at 11:00am; (visitation at 10am)
Marion Wood, Wednesday, June 16, at 6pm; (visitation at 5pm)
Ron Rist, Friday, June 18, at 11am; (visitation at 10am)
Pat and Carl Ramberg, Thursday, June 24, at 11am; (visitation at 10am)
Carmy Martin, Saturday, July 24, at 11am; (visitation at 10am)
You are invited to attend these services. Please call the church office and let us know you are attending. (Need general idea of numbers for luncheons). Masking will be required at these services.
Thank you so much for all of your donations to the Food Shelf. The distribution is Tuesday, June 22, with pick-up between 4:00 and 6:00pm. If you would like to receive a food distribution, please contact me privately by text or cell phone, and I will get you on the list for June. We want to be of service to you and your family. Your contact with us is confidential.
Thank you for your ongoing financial gifting to the mission and ministry of Peace Lutheran. As the summer months loom ahead, and many of us will be traveling or camping or at cabins; your ongoing financial gifting will make all the difference. Our goal is to keep our budget on point, and move forward with ministry plans, events and activities.
I wanted to let you know our hand bells will be going to Custer, South Dakota this summer to be refurbished, restored and tuned. This is a normal maintenance and upkeep process which happens about every 8 to 10 years. The bells are past due for this process. Please consider an extra gift to help defray the expense. The Ringers of Peace Bell Choir continues to bless us with wonderful music, and we look forward to the bells spending the summer in South Dakota and returning to us in September.
Please remember that youth interested in the National Youth Gathering, July of 2022, will be meeting at church on Wednesday, July 7, at 6:00pm. This meeting is for current 8th graders, and high school youth, and their parents. We predict the meeting will last no more than an hour. We look forward to seeing you!
Baptism Sundays are June 20 and June 27. Please call the church office to schedule a Baptism.
The Minneapolis Area Synod is providing online worship on Sunday, May 30. It should be uploaded to our website and on our Peace Lutheran Facebook Worship Page at 10:00am. There is no in-person worship this coming Sunday, May 30.
On Friday, I will be traveling to Kansas for the weekend to spend Memorial Day with my Father. Please contact me by text or cell if you need me. Have a great weekend!
Take care…Be safe…
Pastor Valerie
Cell: 612-280-6493 Email: [email protected]
Church: 763-757-4459 Email: vbrown-greenly@ peacecoonrapids.org