Weekly Announcements from Pastor Valerie Brown-Greenly, Senior Pastor
Dear Friends,
I hope you are doing well this week. I’m finding it hard to believe how fast the month of June is flying by. Today’s email has a couple of important announcements and some reminders.
First, thank you so much for all the Food Shelf donations. We were able to distribute large boxes of food to 21 families this week. We are setting up for an August distribution: the food shelf is in need of pancake mix and syrup. We are stocking up on the usual staples: canned fruits and veggies, peanut butter and jelly, child friendly meals and snacks, etc.
Tomorrow is the funeral service for Pat and Carl Ramberg. Visitation is at 10:00am and the service is at 11:00am. Please call the church office if you plan to attend. There will be a luncheon following worship. Next Thursday, July 1, is the funeral service for Jay Samuelson. Visitation is at 10:00am and the service is at 11:00am. Please note, due to Thursday funeral services, there are no office hours on those mornings.
One important announcement is there will be no in-person worship on Sunday, July 4. At 10:00am please join the live stream and Facebook worship page for a July 4th CODA concert. We are pleased to offer this wonderful concert at 10am, Sunday, July 4. Again, no in-person worship on July 4.
Coffee hours continue in July on Sundays, July 11 and July 18, following morning worship. Masking will continue for the time being. After the Church Council meeting and leadership decision, I will announce when we will have an end to masking in worship. Thank you for your patience and continued participation as we move forward. Please remember that many congregations, like ours, continue to care about the health and well being of our members and friends. We have unvaccinated, those who cannot be vaccinated and families with children under the age of 12. We want to continue to be a place where everyone is welcome, no one is set apart, and everyone can feel safe. We will keep you informed as our re-opening plans continue.
I hope you have a wonderful rest of the week. I’ll see many of you in worship this Sunday morning and the rest of you on live stream.
God bless you…Take care…Be safe…
Pastor Valerie
Cell: 612-280-6493 Email: [email protected]
Church: 763-757-4459 Email: vbrown-greenly@ peacecoonrapids.org