This Week’s Peace Lutheran Church Announcements
- ANNUAL MEETING at 11:00 am in the Sanctuary. All members are encouraged to attend this meeting.
- MEN OF PEACE BREAKFAST serving 9:00 – 10:00 am and after worship, 11:00 am.
- WORSHIP BEGINS AT 10:00 AM with Sunday School kids singing in worship.
- OFFERING ENVELOPES ARE HERE. Please stop at the table in the Fellowship Hall to pick up your envelopes. If you do not have offering envelopes and would like them, fill out your information on the sign up sheet at the table.
- KIDS WINTER FUN NIGHT. Friday, February 16, 5:30 – 8:00 pm, for children 3 years old to 5th grade, cost $10 per child or $25 per family. Join us for pizza, games and crafts.
- ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICE, February 14, 2024, 6:30 pm.
- COMMUNITY DINNER every Wednesday, 5:00 – 6:00 pm.
- FIRST COMMUNION CLASS for anyone first grade and older who has not received first communion class instruction. The class will be held on Saturday, February 17, 9:30 – 11:30 am. We will celebrate their First Communion on Maundy Thursday, March 28, 6:30 pm. The class instructions are for student and parents. As part of our communion class the children make a goblet that will be used for their first communion as well as a remembrance of communion. In order to defray the cost of this project, there’s a charge of $15. Please sign up by emailing Karleen Fusenig, sundayschool@peacecoonrapids.
org by February 11.
- CAMP WAPO REGISTRATION STARTS JANUARY 15 – FEBRUARY 15. Register and/or information on the camp at Camp dates:
- Seeds Weekend, July 19-21
- Grades 1 – 3 and Youth Camp Week, July 21-26
- We have limited spots reserved for our congregation. If the spots are full, add your child to the wait list.
- GERTENS PLANT SALE FUNDRAISER is set up to help with the cost. The sale will kick off sometime in March. Watch for more information. Plant delivery on May 9.
- Any questions, please contact Karleen Fusenig at:
- sundayschool@peacecoonrpaids.