This Week’s Peace Lutheran Church Announcements

This Week’s Peace Lutheran Church Announcements





Volunteers needed:

l     Make lefse or baked goods

l     Help with boutique set-up Thursday, Oct. 24

l     Help with boutique sales and supper Friday, Oct. 25

l     Help with boutique sales and lunch Saturday, Oct. 26

l     Help with boutique sales before and after worship Sunday, Oct 27.


Donations needed:

l     Book Nook and Granny’s Attic decor – items need to be in great condition and maybe brought to the church the w/o October 21.


l     Food items needed for the boutique lunch and supper.


Sign-up sheets for volunteers and/or donations are on the easel in the Fellowship Hall.


Thank you for your help.






All are welcome to the adult bible study.  Meets on Wednesdays at 10:00 am in the Fellowship Hall.





To continue to serving meals on Wednesday evenings, help is needed for food prep, serving and cleaning up.  Food prep starts at 3:30 pm, serving and cleaning up 4:30 – 6:30 pm.  This is great opportunity for confirmation families and members to help serve our community. This meal is served only during the school year.  If we could get multiple volunteers, this would allow you sign up for certain weeks or a month.  Without volunteers we will not be able to continue to serving this meal.  Please call the church office to sign up, 763.757.4459.











In concert at Peace Lutheran Church, Thursday, October 10, 7:00 pm/doors open at 6:30 pm


Free will offering suggested at $10 per person.  All proceeds, large and small, will benefit the video ministry that Kris O’Brien has created!


Kris has spent five decades in music, from performing in concert with the likes of Gordon Lightfoot to John Denver to 40 years as liturgist music and music director.


Come and join her concert team as they perform a concert of music and stories for the heart.   Seasoned musicians, singers and readers will perform familiar songs from The Sound of Music, Amazing Grace to Pie Jesu and share some stories.  The end of the concert will offer a surprise; a promise to fill your heart with inspiration and hope.  Videos from Kris’ Straight to the Heart Media Ministry will also be featured in concert. 




September 28   5:00 – 6:00 pm Wednesday Night Supper

September 29   Confirmation Sunday

October 6                            Men of Peace Pancake Breakfast

October 10                         Kris O’Brien and Friends Concert, at Peace 7:00 pm

October 20                         Meals on Wheels Recognition

October 25 – 27 Peaceful Country  Boutique

                                                October 25, 2:00 – 8:00 pm, Supper 5:00 – 7:00 pm

                                                October 26, 9:00 am – 2:00 pm, Lunch 11:00 am – 1:00 pm

                                                October 27, 9:00 am – 12:00 pm, before and after worship.

October 31                         Trunk or Treat

November 2                       Minneapolis Women of ELCA: Women’s Gathering, 8:30 am – 4:00 pm.                                                                  Diamond Lake Lutheran Church in Minneapolis. 

                                                Register online:

November 10           Special Worship with Trychia Borgstrom singing her favorite music in                                                                    celebration of her 20th Anniversary at Peace Lutheran Church