This Week’s Peace Lutheran Church Announcements
Announcements February 12, 2025
2025 OFFERING ENVELOPES ARE HERE! Please pick up your envelopes on the table in the Fellowship Hall by the wall map. If you do not have offering envelopes and want to receive a box. Pleas sign up on the form at the envelope table. Any questions, please contact the church office, 763.757.4459
Ash Wednesday Service on March 5, 6:30 pm
BOUTIQUE CRAFT GROUP will begin meeting on March 3 at 6:30 p.m. to prepare for our 2025 boutique. We meet most Monday nights at 6:30 pm from March 3 thru October 20. We will not meet on Mondays that the church is not open due to holiday connections. We are eager for ideas and people who would like to work on crafts and the boutique. Questions call Judy Svenddal at 763-268-9039
Instant Oatmeal
Syrup and Pancake Mix
Canned Fruit
Spaghetti Sauce
Spam, Canned Chicken
Baked Beans
Tomato Soup
Kids Snacks: Granola Bars, Fruit Snacks, Fruit or Pudding Cups, Peanut Butter or Cheese Crackers, Cheez-It Crackers, Rice Krispy Bars
5:30 – 8:00 pm
Cost $10 per child or $25 per family
Children’s Ministry team is hosting a Winter Fun Night for children 3 years old to 5th grade.
Join us for games, crafts and making your own pizza.
Parents you can have a fun night out!
Fill out a form and turn it in by February 23.
Forms available on the Sunday School bulletin board across from the drinking fountains.
with Kris O’Brien and Friends.
Thursday, February 20, 2025, 7:00 pm at Peace Lutheran Church.
Suggested free-will offering $10
Doors open 6:30 pm come early to gather and visit.
Come and join us as we celebrate our love of winter. Come and join us as we celebrate the “Love That Came Down at Christmas.” Come and join us as we celebrate the love of the Savior who will lay down his very life for us. Expect and experience inspired music, words, images and messages. Come and celebrate love with my concert team and your Worship Director, Trychia Borgstrom.
RECYCLE YOUR “OLD” GLASSES. The Lions Club collect the eyeglasses for distribution to optical missions around the world. There’s a white plastic labeled container, in the entry way by the office, to bring your old glasses to.
Please help support the youth attending Camp WAPO this summer.
This fundraiser is online only.
To order: log in at
l Enter the store ID-444
l This will bring you to the page that states Peace Lutheran Preschool/Peace Youth Fundraiser. This is the order page.
l IMPORTANT – please click on the drop down menu on the checkout screen, select Peace Youth.
l The funds raised will be divided between the youth attending Camp Wapo.
l Thank you
Sale will be from Monday, February 24 – Monday, March 31.
Plant pick up Thursday, May 8, 6:00 – 7:30 pm. Pick up will be in grass area by the playground.
If you need any help ordering, please contact Karleen Fusenig at
Thank you so much for your support, Karleen Fusenig.
Tuesday, February 11
8:30 am Office Opens Offices
9:00 am Preschool Preschool Rms
6:30 pm Finance Meeting Zoom
6:30 pm Boy Scouts FH
Wednesday, February 12
8:30 am Office Opens Offices
9:00 am Preschool Preschool Rms
10:00 am Wednesday Bible Study FH
3:00 pm Food Prep Kitchen
5:00 pm Wednesday Community Dinner Kitchen, FH
6:00 pm Confirmation Choir Rm
6:30 pm Endowment Meeting Narthex
7:15 pm MS & HS Youth Group Youth Rm
Thursday, February 13
8:30 am Office Opens Offices
9:00 am Preschool Preschool Rms
10:00 am Visitation with Nelson Family Narthex
11:00 am Funeral for Robert Nelson Sanctuary
11:30 am Luncheon with Nelson Family Kitchen, FH
11:30 am Preschool Chapel Time Preschool Rms
1:00 pm Rebecca Circle Choir Rm
6:30 pm Council Zoom
Friday, February 14
9:00 am Preschool Preschool Rms
Saturday, February 15 No Events
Sunday, February 16
10:00 am Worship Sanctuary
10:00 am Sunday School Choir Rm
11:15 am Kris O’Brien Setting Up Sanctuary
12:00 pm Liberian Worship FH
Monday, February 17 NO PRESCHOOL
8:30 am Office Opens Offices
2:00 pm Kris O’Brien Rehearsal Sanctuary
4:30 pm Autism Support Group Choir Rm, Rm 3
6:00 pm Autism Support Group Choir Rm, Rm 3
6:00 pm Ringers of Peace Sanctuary
7:15 pm Autism Support Group Choir Rm, Rm 3
7:30 pm Infusion Choir Sanctuary
Tuesday, February 18 NO PRESCHOOL
8:00 am Preschool Staff Prep Preschool Rms
8:30 am Office Opens Offices
4:00 pm Kris O’Brien Rehearsal Sanctuary
Lock Up Dan
Wednesday, February 19
8:30 am Office Opens Offices
9:00 am Preschool Preschool Rms
9:00 am Staff Meeting Choir Rm
3:00 pm Food Prep Kitchen
4:00 pm Kris O’Brien Rehearsal Sanctuary
5:00 pm Community Dinner Kitchen, FH
6:00 pm Confirmation Various Rms
7:15 pm MS & HS Youth Group Youth Rm
Thursday, February 20
8:30 am Office Opens Offices
9:00 am Preschool Preschool Rms
11:30 am Preschool Chapel Preschool Rms
7:00 pm Kris O’Brien Concert Sanctuary
Friday, February 21
8:30 am Kris O’Brien Clean Up Sanctuary
9:00 am Preschool Preschool Rms
Saturday, February 22 No Activities
Sunday, February 23
10:00 am Worship Sanctuary
10:00 am Sunday School Choir Rm
12:00 pm Liberian Worship FH
Monday, February 24
8:30 am Office Opens Offices
9:00 am Preschool Preschool Rms
4:30 pm Autism Support Group Choir Rm, Rm 3
6:00 pm Autism Support Group Choir Rm, Rm 3
6:00 pm Ringers of Peace Sanctuary
7:15 pm Autism Support Group Choir Rm, Rm 3
7:30 pm Infusion Choir Sanctuary
Tuesday, February 25
8:30 am Office Opens Offices
9:00 am Preschool Preschool Rms
10:00 am Staff Meeting Choir Rm
Wednesday, February 26
8:30 am Office Opens Offices
9:00 am Preschool Preschool Rms
3:00 pm Food Prep Kitchen
5:00 pm Community Dinner Kitchen, FH
6:00 pm Confirmation Various Rms
7:15 pm MS & HS Youth Group Youth Rm